Thursday, 13 December 2012

Shooting and Editing

We decided to change our idea so the film actually has a narrative, a simple story being that there is a fish in the kitchen, a new fish is introduced, there is a party, someone pours alcohol in the bowl, one fish dies and the other is left alone. The experimental element of the film is the way it will be shot, for example composition and colour. In after-effects we have applied a filter, so the background will be black and white and the fish will have a extreme orange/yellow glow, emphasising its importance to the narrative.

In total we had around 3 shoots, not worrying about sound as we have our sound piece finished we could easily experiment with angles. On the first shoot we shot a lot of close-ups, concentrating on the particles in the water and using depth of field to give the film a clean, focused visual. We had trouble shooting the party scene due to the lack of space we had, and with my housemates being actors we got a realistic performance, even with some shots being bad in terms of performance and composition, in editing we could really fix these issues with cropping and actually editing the shots together.

One problem in editing was to apply the colour correction and effects is that to create the fish glow we have to 'grab' a colour, the problem being there is too much orange in some shots, as we are half way through the edit, we will try overcome this issue.

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